BMHA Year End Banquet, News (Belmont Minor Hockey)

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Mar 27, 2024 | Mallory Hesselmans | 1311 views
BMHA Year End Banquet

The Banquet IS BACK!

On Friday, April 12 gather at the Belmont Arena for a night of yummy eats and celebrations!!

Penne pasta and meatball dinner served by The Belmont Town Restaurant at 6:30pm. $10 per person will save you a seat and an overflowing plate of delicious food.🍝

To reserve your spot please fill out the registration form. 
Tickets will not be issued, instead names will be added to a guest list. 
Please be sure to include all guests attending including players

💳E-transfer payment can be sent to [email protected]

Any questions can be directed to Mallory Hesselmans via text 519-281-8731. 

**no walk-ins. Dinner must be prepurchased. 

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