Volunteer / On-Ice Assistant Form (Belmont Minor Hockey)

Volunteer / On-Ice Assistant Form
Form must be completed by any On-Ice Volunteer that is a Registered BMHA Volunteer or Player, or is not on a OMHA Official Roster for the current season.


I (name stated below) will not hold Belmont Minor Hockey Association, any of its Executive, Players, or Team Officials liable for any injury that may occur to me as a result of me participating on the ice in a Belmont Minor Hockey Association Event.

OMHA Policies and Procedures

There are mandatory equipment requirements for individuals assisting with IP program implementation, on-ice (parent / family) helpers, demonstrators, specialty (i.e. goaltender) coaches, etc. OMHA Guidelines for equipment to be worn by individuals assisting as a volunteer in On-Ice activities are as follows:

• A volunteer who meets the minimum age requirement for CHIP Certification (i.e. 14 years and above), would be eligible to wear the same equipment as an On-Ice Team Officials. (i.e. CSA Certified Helmet, skates, gloves etc.)
• A volunteer below the minimum age requirement for CHIP Certification (i.e. below 14 years), would be required to wear full player equipment.

NOTE: On-Ice Volunteers must be at least two years older than the division age limit they are associated with. (Minimum age, 9 years old)

Required Training

All on-ice volunteers require Gender Identity training, Respect in Sport -activity leader, and a valid police check.