THANK YOU, News, Atom Rep, 2014-2015 (Belmont Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 07, 2015 | vickivandenbrink | 2687 views
As the 2014-2015 season sets for the Belmont Atom Rep Rangers after a hard fought loss to Burford, I wanted to take a moment to say a few words of thanks to everyone who really pulled together to make being a Belmont Ranger an amazing experience for these boys. 

FOR YOUR HELP: there are so many little things need to happen every week to succeed as a team, on and off the ice. It really does take a village…

·         VICKI RICHARSDON: jersey girl #1, water bottle filler, and GLO fundraising rep.
·         JILL VANBOMMEL: jersey girl #2, and major contributor to various event planning
·         LISA RYSDALE: BMHA chicken order chick, and random manager duty do-er
·         JENN LESTER:  Rescue and Relief Aid BGSU
·         DAN GROVES and BARNEY SZABO: DJ’s Extraordinaire, and garbage can soloist
·         BILL LESTER: cheer master, air raid controller, and generous contributor
·         CHRISTIE SZABO: fan hair and makeup artist
·         ABBY RICHARDSON and HALEY SZABO:  50/50’s ticket slingers

And a very special thanks to KRISTY CLARK: my right winger!
Golf shirt designer, door sign creator, Santa hat maker and custom photo gift printer…
SS pin exchange coordinator, duct tape expert, banner-hanger, fan sign maker…
Personal “Get-Vicki-Off-The-Cliff” therapist, crisis negotiator and late night first responder.
For countless hours of text support during all the planning and organizing that has gone into every event for this team. Thank you Kristy … xo

FOR YOUR HOSPITALITY: letting the team trash your house in the name of celebration!!
·         LISA and KYLE RYSDALE: Season Kick-Off and Mid-International SilverStick Chili night
·         BILL and JENN LESTER: post Regional SilverStick Shin-Dig
·         JASON and KRISTY CLARK: Ugly Christmas Sweater Competition 2014
·         TRISHA and VENR CRINLAW: post semi/season end shop soiree

FOR YOUR GENEROUSITY:  your gifts allowed the team the opportunity to travel to Bowling Green and Nations Cup to enjoy the endless hours of team bonding that comes from being locked up in a hotel together for 3 days… ministicks, pizza dinners, stairwell iPading and shenanigans in the pools.
·         BILL LESTER: Dekalb
·         JASON CLARK: Xcelerate Hockey
·         MARCIE SCHLINDERER: Toth Jewels
·         MARK WATSON: Watson Racing
·         And a few other anonymous gift givers 

FOR YOUR SUPPORT: special fans doing special things for special kids
·         CATHIE CRAWFORD : official team paparazzi
·         FARMER and UNCLE TC: pizza guys and team roadies
·         LISA and JASON COLLARD: air horn donators 

To the family and friends, who came out faithfully every week to cheer on every goal.
To the fellow Rangers, who showed up in jerseys with horns, and chewed out the refs.
To the little fans, who (don’t really watch much, but) hung out in the arena and made it feel like home.

FOR YOUR DEDICATION: to our incredibly talented, devoted, passionate coaching staff. 

On behalf of all Rangers, our sincerest thank you to JASON and TODD CLARK for the hours of dedication to the Atom rep and other BMHA teams. Your undeniable passion for the game, your confidence in each player, and your well-developed, proven to succeed skills program are remarkable gifts to these boys. We can’t thank you enough. Truly we are blessed.

And thanks to ROB RICHARDSON and PAUL VANDENBRINK for your supporting roles in growing their skills and love of the game…and the ‘too many men’ penalties to keep the games interesting (at least 6 times according to Paul Schlinderer but who’s counting). And VERN CRINKLAW for filling in on the bench when needed.

FOR BEING AWESOME: to the players... Mason, Reid, Dylan, Jackson, Noah S, Luke, Ben, Noah V, Logan, Cal, Seth, Holden and Will.

Talented, hard-working, team-playing, big-hearted, fun-loving superstars!! You listened well, practiced hard, played harder and learned so many things along the way!!  Practices, games, pond hockey, house parties, tours of BGSU, triple OT in St.Thomas, shoot-out final in Nations Cup, Regional SilverStick champs, International SilverStick champs, OMHA Semi-finalist……what an incredible season you have shared with us. You have so much to be proud of.

From your coaches, parents, fans, and BMHA…  CONGRATULATIONS!!! May the memories and friendships stay strong and last a lifetime.  All the best to each of you… in hockey and in life.

Thank you....everyone.

Sincerely and honoured, 