Welcome to our Belmont Minor Hockey U5 Program!
We’re excited to meet the new players taking to the ice this year. With our U5 season starting next week, here’s what you need to know.
U5 Ice time
Our first two practices will be Fri Sept 15 at 5pm and Sun Sept 17 at 10am. Sundays at 10 am will be our regular ice time however consult the BMHA website calendar as we start the season to confirm no changes have been made to ice times.
Try to have your player dressed and on the ice by 10am every week. Our practices are 50 minutes and we want to see players enjoy every minute of the ice time.
Throughout the season we may be given the opportunity to acquire extra ice time. If we do the BMHA website calendar will be updated and we’ll inform you of added ice times by email.
Hockey equipment
Full equipment is required. This includes - helmet (with face mask), neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin guards, jock, pants, socks, gloves and of course skates. Herms Sports and Canadian Tire offer programs for first time hockey players requiring equipment. Timbit jerseys and socks will be provided at the first skate.
Please put your player’s name on their helmet with tape and marker. This helps us get to know everyone.
Additional information
Mike Findlater is leading the U5 program this year and is your contact for questions. His email is
We’re looking for volunteers to assist on the ice as well as a team manager. Let Mike Findlater ([email protected]) know if you’d like to fill any of these roles.
If you feel your player needs a little extra help in the beginning, one parent/caregiver is welcome to join them on the ice. On-ice-parent/caregiver must wear a helmet, gloves and skates.
Last year U5’s participated in an end of the year game with Dorchester. It was a fun day and, if enough kids are interested, we’ll look to do this again. More information on this will be shared later in the season.
This is an exciting time of year for everyone. We look forward to having fun while introducing the basics of skating and hockey to our newest Belmont Rangers!