Mar 07, 2013 | jclark | 1208 views
Rangers Sweep Lucan in Tough Series
The Rangers swept Lucan Wednesday night, although the sweep does not indicate the series. During the round robin Lucan had their way with Belmont in both games and won handily, if that is a word!
The series opened in Lucan even though Belmont had home ice advantage. After a great week of preparation and practice it was finally showtime for the boys! The parents and coaches were nervous due to the fact, Lucan had pounded the boys in the round robin. Game one was barely 16 secsonds old when Belmont struck to make it 1-0. In typical Lucan fashion they never gave up and played hard every shift. The boys from B Town had something to prove as they were not happy about being swept in the round robin. Callaghan's crew were led by goaltender William Richardson who was MVP of game 1 and Belmont took game 1 by a score of 5-2 Belmont style! a skater as their goalie. NathanubThe score does not indicate the game, it was closer for sure. Game 2 was Sunday night in Belmont. The Rangers came out flying!! Could have been their best game of the season infront of a great crowd of local supporters! After exciting end to end action it was another 5-2 victory for the home side. Game 3 was crucial as we did not want to give Lucan a chance to think they were in the series. An unfortunate occurance before the game had Lucan's #1 goalie go down with the flu. Lucan had to dress another skater as their goalie on this night. Nathan Dubarry was the player who stepped up for their team. He is a force on forward and as we found out, he is a great goalie considering the situation he was in. Congrats to Nathan! The Lucan team responded well and after the first period it was 0-0, Belmont pulled it together and when the game was over it was another 5-2 victory!! Congratulations to Lucan on a great season!
The Belmont novice team and community would once again like to wish Barney Szabo All the Best!!