Oct 01, 2021 | MikeCraftchick | 983 views
2021-2022 U11 Rep Final Roster
Congratulations to the following players for being chosen to play on the 2021/22 U11 Belmont Rangers Rep team
Kyle Countryman
Mason Craftchick
Xavier Cousineau
Beckham Gallant
Braydon Hinton
Liam Jackson
Dylan Johnston
Dylan King
Sawyer Mercer
Nathan Shelton
Knox Thorogood
Congratulations to all the players who have made the Rep team for this season. We would like to thank all the players who attended tryouts and wish all those who have been released the best of luck in your upcoming LL season. A LL coach will be in contact to let you know when your upcoming ice times will be.
To all of the players listed above. We have an exhibition game against Port Stanley tomorrow SATURDAY OCTOBER 2nd AT 12:30pm. We ask that ALL players arrive at the arena for 11:45am and meet in the parking lot for an outdoor warm up. Please make sure each player is in active wear and running shoes for the warm up. They will be provided a jersey tomorrow for the game. Please bring a water bottle with the players name clearly marked on it.
We are all looking forward to an exciting year of hockey this season and we hope that each of the players are ready to work hard and have fun!
Coach Mike